Information published on 24 September 2019 in the UIC electronic newsletter "UIC eNews" Nr eNews.

SLoCaT releases a new publication entitled “Sustainable transport: a critical driver to achieve the sustainable development goals”

The SLoCaT Partnership has just released a new report, “Sustainable Transport: A Critical Driver to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals,” to summarise how transport has been reflected in the first quadrennial voluntary national reviews reporting cycle from 2016 – 2019.

Since the first United Nations High Level Political Forum in 2016, SLoCaT has been assessing transport references in the VNRs submitted each year. The assessment aims to:

• Provide a useful resource for policy-makers to better understand the role of transport in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
• Outline recommendations to policy-makers on goal-setting, implementing and reporting on sustainable transport progress
• Help the transport community (and other relevant sectors e.g. energy, health) better understand the pattern, gaps and opportunities in reporting sustainable transport in the VNR process

Throughout the lifespan of the HLPF, countries have been reporting on transport as a vital sector to implement SDGs, showcasing on-the-ground implementation and best practices. Through the VNRs, countries contribute to offer leverage and momentum for the transport sector to move along a more sustainable path.
As part of the report’s recommendations, SLoCaT also proposed a framework with a step-by-step methodological approach to assist transport sector policy-makers in translating SDGs in national sector plans, strategies and budgets; designing policy interventions to target resources at root bottlenecks; and providing coordinated and pooled policy support for sustainable transport development.

You can download the full report here:

A short summary of the key observations can be found at

For further information please contact Marie-Luz Philippe, Advisor for Sustainable Development & UIC Middle-East Region:

philippe at

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